Saturday, January 28, 2012


It seems we may have to pause our plans for a short while. I don't want to go into too many details but H & M's rental home doesn't have a tenant any longer, so they are paying two mortgages at the moment without that extra help from a rental income. The responsible thing to do is to pause our plans so they can be 100% financially confident again to handle the expenses that come along with this pregnancy/surrogacy. They are crunching numbers and trying to figure it out, but this cycle will have to pass by as well. Hopefully soon we can get back on the babytrain.

I did get a positive OPK today at noon. Today is CD 17. I should ovulate tomorrow or Monday. I have been temping so I should see a spike in the next couple days. My cycles are doing good, aside from that long one last month.

So that's where we are at, I'll let you know when things get more exciting :)

Keep us in your thoughts and  prayers as always <3

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